Mia takes after her mother and is quite the eater! We're so happy to share that Mia is feeding amazingly. All babies will lose weight after they are born and doctor's will generally give about 2 weeks for them to get back to their birth weight. In the 11 days Mia has surpassed her birth weight and has gained 5 more ounces! Her skinny chicken legs will be a thing of the past! =) She came out of the hospital eating 35 mL of milk and now is drinking 75-100 mL of breastmilk each feeding!! The doctors have told us that she needs to be at least 10 pounds to be ready for her first surgery. So please pray for continual growth!
Here's one of our favorite feeding pictures...Here's Mia getting ready to feed:
She's so cute!!! =) Seriously can't wait to see her. I have to hold back when I pass through baby item isles at the stores. <3333