Hey everyone,
We are in desperate need of prayer right now for Mia...On Friday she started to develop redness around her upper lip. We didn't think too much of it because we thought it was just some of the brusing showing as her swelling was going down. She had been eating great up to this point and was starting to take about 5 ounces of milk through her syringe (it was still to painful to eat by bottle). On saturday she woke up and along her left lip sutures, there was pus and drainage and what was the start of an infection. We called our plastic surgeon's office and the PA gave us a stronger oral and topical antibotic to make sure it didn't wasn't MRSA. We felt like it was getting better, but when we woke her up this morning, her lip was pussing, yellow, crusty, and discolored (a whiteish tinge).
We took Mia to the Emergency Room this morning. The plastic surgeon fellow on call confirmed that it was a staph infection. The PA said this is VERY rare since the lip usually has such a huge blood supply going to it and babies heal so fast. Our doctor ordered an even stronger antibiotic shot for Mia which is making her legs very sour and achy. We had to put her back on pain meds today which means that she is not having much of an appetite to eat either. We were also given a stronger cream for her mouth.
My heart just aches for Mia right now. SHe's been through so much this week and is just so full of so much medication. She still trying to be in good spirits and is laughing and smiling tons. Luckily, she doesn't have a fever and is feeding ok so that means the infection hasn't spread. We were told that if she does get a fever we need to bring her back to the ER. We're setting up another appointment with the plastic surgeon for Tuesday. If her lip does really affected by this infection we may need additional surgeries to correct her lip even more. I just cant' stand the thought of her going through more surgeries than planned.
It's hard to understand how this happened if this is something that's so rare. Please keep her in your thought and prayers. My mom left yesterday and Jeremy needs to go back to work tomorrow so the thought of having to take care of her by myself is also daunting. Hopefully Jeremy can at least take tomorrow off to help me watch out for her infection. I'll keep you guys updated...
Lemon Cookie Crunch Popcorn
17 hours ago
We are praying for Mia! Let us know how she is feeling.