Monday, August 17, 2009

ENT Appointment

Just wanted to update on how our little one is doing...She has officially hit the 10 lb. mark. We went to the Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor today and when they weighed her, she was 10 lb. Personally, I think she's a little less than that because she had her clothes on and a REALLY full diaper! =) We're so happy that she's growing well and plumping up!

We went on our very first long outing yesterday to the outlet malls and I have to say that she did remarkably well! She only cried when she was hungry and seemed to enjoy the trip! I can't believe how much preparation it takes to get a little baby out the door, but it was worth it to get some fresh air and some cute outfits for our Mia baby!

It's very common for cleft babies to have fluid in their ears and need ear tubes put it to prevent infections and help with hearing. Our ENT doctor will be putting the tubes in during her lip surgery in a few months. We did some preliminary testing today and will retest her hearing after her surgery.

Please continue to pray for our Mia and we'll update everyone when her lip surgery gets scheduled!

Here's another picture of our beautiful Mia:

Her hair has grown much more since this picture was taken. No matter what we do, I sticks straight up!

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