Monday, December 14, 2009

To grandmother's house we go...

Sorry for the lack of updates!! We have been in Virginia visiting family for the past month! We were only going to stay through Thanksgiving, but Jeremy's schedule was so crazy and he's studying for his boards, we thought that it might help Jeremy to have a quiet house to get some sleep and study.

Mia is completely and utterly spoiled here everyday and has everyone wrapped around her chubby little fingers!! The time here has also given her poor sleep deprived mom time to rest and even go out and see some friends! Before coming to VA, Mia was waking up EVERY hour during the night because she was not able to get back on a schedule after her surgery. This was sleep deprivation like we had never experienced before. The 3rd night we were here, grandma took over at night and since then she's been sleeping wonderfully!! =)

I can't believe how much Mia has grown! She started eating solids and absolutely LOVES avocados. Since her palate is not closed, we do get the occasional green chunks flying out of her nose when she sneezes. She loves washing everything down with milk in her sippy cup. She's recently learned to chuck her sippy cup across the table when she's done!

Although she cannot roll yet, she can sit all by herself...Jeremy says that Mia won't roll simply because she knows how obsessed I am with getting her to roll!

We'll post pics on here very soon! Mia's next surgery will be her palate surgery on January 11th...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

New things Mia is doing!

Here are some new, exciting, and adorable things that Baby Mia is doing...she'll be in 4 months in 2 weeks!

-She blows bubbles. With her new puckery smile, we call her our bubble blowing goldfish! =)
-Tries to hold her own bottle while Mommy is trying to feed her
-Holds her head up very high and does a mini-pushup
-Babbles when she's tired and right before she goes to sleep
-Tries to stand
-Squeals at her reflection in the mirror
-Laughs when mommy and daddy nuzzles her face
-Holds her own toys! Her new thing is a pacifer called a Wubbanub, which is a pacifier attached to a stuffed animal. Since she can't hold a pacifier with her mouth, when she holds the stuffed animal, she can kinda keep the pacifier in her mouth (Auntie Linda got them for her!! Thanks!)
-DROOLS like crazy (we go through 4-5 bibs a day!!)
-Intertwines her fingers together so it looks like she's sitting in her carseat praying! =)
-Kicks off her shoes...Mommy can't keep shoes on her feet!

-No rolling yet, but it'll come soon. She didn't get to do tummy time for a few weeks after her surgery.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Things are looking up!

Mia's lip infection is getting much better! Thank you for everyone's prayers! That was the scariest thing to have to take her to the ER and try to figure out what to do to make sure this infection didn't get worse.

We met with the plastic surgeon yesterday and honestly, I was a bit scared to meet with him. He's a brilliant surgeon, but can be a bit intimidating. He's definitely not the warm and fuzzy type. He looked at it an literally said 5 phrases: Localized infection, getting better, keep it clean, keep on putting the ointment, see you next week.

So I guess that's a good sign that Mia's infection is getting better. He told us that Mia doesn't have to wear her arm restraints (These little velcro arm braces to keep her from touching her face), but poor Mia has a itchy rash on her face as a reaction to the it looks like just a few more days of the no-no's so that she doesn't scratch her face.

This has been a long healing process for Mia, but we finally feel like healing is starting!!

She is still gulping down 5 ounce bottles every 3-4 hours so that's great!! Mia is her smiley and at times fussy self again. When you go through something like this, you realize that all that matters is that the one's you love are healthy. I am so thankful our my amazingly thorough and caring husband and my fiesty and happy baby!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Visit to the ER

Hey everyone,
We are in desperate need of prayer right now for Mia...On Friday she started to develop redness around her upper lip. We didn't think too much of it because we thought it was just some of the brusing showing as her swelling was going down. She had been eating great up to this point and was starting to take about 5 ounces of milk through her syringe (it was still to painful to eat by bottle). On saturday she woke up and along her left lip sutures, there was pus and drainage and what was the start of an infection. We called our plastic surgeon's office and the PA gave us a stronger oral and topical antibotic to make sure it didn't wasn't MRSA. We felt like it was getting better, but when we woke her up this morning, her lip was pussing, yellow, crusty, and discolored (a whiteish tinge).

We took Mia to the Emergency Room this morning. The plastic surgeon fellow on call confirmed that it was a staph infection. The PA said this is VERY rare since the lip usually has such a huge blood supply going to it and babies heal so fast. Our doctor ordered an even stronger antibiotic shot for Mia which is making her legs very sour and achy. We had to put her back on pain meds today which means that she is not having much of an appetite to eat either. We were also given a stronger cream for her mouth.

My heart just aches for Mia right now. SHe's been through so much this week and is just so full of so much medication. She still trying to be in good spirits and is laughing and smiling tons. Luckily, she doesn't have a fever and is feeding ok so that means the infection hasn't spread. We were told that if she does get a fever we need to bring her back to the ER. We're setting up another appointment with the plastic surgeon for Tuesday. If her lip does really affected by this infection we may need additional surgeries to correct her lip even more. I just cant' stand the thought of her going through more surgeries than planned.

It's hard to understand how this happened if this is something that's so rare. Please keep her in your thought and prayers. My mom left yesterday and Jeremy needs to go back to work tomorrow so the thought of having to take care of her by myself is also daunting. Hopefully Jeremy can at least take tomorrow off to help me watch out for her infection. I'll keep you guys updated...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Possible Infection...

Mia's wounds and stitches had been healing up nicely, but yesterday, the area under her nose and around her mouth started to become red. This morning as Jeremy was cleaning her lip and applying her ointment, he noticed that the left side of her lip where the stitches were was starting to pus. Thank goodness Jeremy was home and noticed this. Immediately worry and panic started to set in. We called the doctor right away and though Mia doesn't have a fever, they started us on a stronger antibiotic and ointment to make sure that it didn't turn into MRSA.

It's been an overwhelming and hard week...We were starting to get so excited that her feeding was getting better...If she doesn't show signs of improving by Monday then we need to make another appointment with the plastic surgeon which may involve removing stitches or another procedure. If she starts to have a fever then we were told to take her to the emergency room.

In the midst of everything we know that we need to just keep on praying and know that God is the creator of Mia's body and the healer. Please continue to keep our baby in your prayers!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Day 3 Post-op

Every morning I wake up sooo excited to see my daughter! She's absolutely amazing and I can't believe what a trooper and fighter she is. I remember coming home from the hospital and whining about the pain and recovery and being completely out of commission for a week...but only after a few days, she's starting to heal and show signs of being the spunky baby we know!

Though feeding is still a worry...she's doing much better!!! Her new thing is grabbing hold of EVERYTHING in sight so yesterday when grandma was trying to feed her with the syringe, she grabbed it and tried to stick it in and out of her own mouth!!! She held on to it sooo tight we had to pry it out of her hands. =)

She still on pain meds, but seems to be able to go 6-8 hours on just 1ml. now. So hopefully by today or tomorrow we can move to just occasional doses of regular tylenol.

Today she started to smile! At first it was just smiling with her eyes and cheeks, but yesterday when she was looking in the mirror and playing with her daddy, she used her new mouth to smile as well.

The swelling should go down in the next 2-4 weeks so we're excited to have our post-op meeting with Dr. Burstein in 2 weeks to see how he thinks she's doing.

Thanks everyone for your love and support. Jeremy and I are blown away by everyone who has called, emailed, facebooked and shown love and concern for our precious baby.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 2 post-surgery

We thought we would be able to go home, but we're waiting till about 3pm and one more feeding to see if Mia will eat more. If she is able to eat more we can go home!!!

YES!!! We have poopy diapers! Poor Mia has been backed up since Friday and has been sending everyone running with her stinky farts!

We can definitely tell when the tylenol with codeine is running low in her system, but Mia doesn't seem as sleepy and dazed anymore. We've been taking walks in the hallways and she's back to her curious self. She's twisting and turning around to see all the thing that are going on as we walk around. We can hear her starting to coo again!

Thank you everyone for your continual thoughts and prayers...hopefully our next update will be from home!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Surgery Day

Thank you everyone for loving Mia and for all the prayers that you have been sending her way! She is truly blessed to be surrounded by love during this hard time!!

Last night was amazing...our fears of Mia having to go 9 hours without feeding turned out to be fine. We woke her up for her last feeding at 11:30 pm and after she fell right asleep until 5:oo am. We then gave her some apple juice and pedialite to keep her hydrated. Mia slept on the ride to the hospital and in my sling when we got to the hospital. Our smiling and rested baby was taken to surgery. Though it was emotional seeing her go, we knew that she was in great hands.

After 15 minutes, her ENT doctor came in to tell us that her ear tubes were already in and that the plastic surgeon was starting his leg of the surgery. Dr. Burstein took about an hour and 15 minutes and came to tell us that her surgery had gone well and that she was in recovery. We were then taken to the recovery room to meet Mia.

Our beautiful, but pained Mia met us with a new mouth. My first thought was that we missed her cleft smile...Her face is still so swollen and full of stitches and it's hard to tell what her new smile will look like, but she's adorable already!

Our strong girl had her IV put into her leg after she was put to sleep, but afterwards, while she was mad and in pain, she used the heel of her other leg to kick of her IV. We watched in tears as the nurse had to repeatedly stick her trying to find another vein. She was so full of fluids that it was hard to find another her chunky arms and legs made it hard to find a vein. They had to bring in an ultrasound machine to find and vein and then reinforce it to her leg with a whole roll of tape!!!

Mia seems hungry, but is not yet taking a bottle...we're trying to feed her with her bottle and with a syringe.

Though she's being given morphine, and tylenol with codeine, she still cries in pain and has not slept at all! She closes her eyes and then is immediately woken up by every sound she hears.

Thank God for her miracle blanket so that we can swaddle her and not put her in arm restraints.

We're looking forward to having our smiley and active Mia back. Though the next few weeks will be hard for Mia, we know that she will be back to her self soon!

We'll post pictures soon!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mia's beautiful smile...

We can't believe that Monday will be Mia's surgery...This is the beautiful smile that Jeremy and I have come to know over the past few months and it's strange to think that in a few days Mia will have a different smile. We've always left that Mia is perfect just the way that God created her and part of me questions why she even has to go through these surgeries, but we know that in the long run, this is best thing for Mia.

Please keep our little one in your prayers...she will be checking in for surgery at 7:25am and will go into surgery at 9:25am. We'll definitely keep everyone updated through our blog and through facebook.

Our little chunky monkey won't be able to feed for the 9 hours before the surgery which is such a worry for us. She's so used to eating every 3 hours! We'll be able to give her other fluids such as water, apple juice, or pedialite up to 4 hours before her surgery...

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pre-Operation appointment...

This Tuesday, Mia went in for her pre-op appointment. I've been a nervous wreck about her surgery...they explained that they will be bring the three parts of her lip together and will be bringing the spaces in her gums together. They told us that her nose will probably flatten a little bit because the distance from her lip and her nose is so short and the height of her nose is low. She may need to get some plastic surgery done on her nose before going to school around age 4-5. Of course, I had a meltdown about that because that's just another surgery that we were hoping Mia wouldn't have to have.

My major worries about the surgery: Mia having to go under anesthesia, her recovery, the pain she may have afterwards, her feeding, and how to comfort her after the surgery. She has discovered her hand in the past few weeks and absolutely loves sucking on her 2 fingers. She also loves sleeping on our chest and will often rub her face into our chest when she gets tired. She won't be able to do those things after the surgery and will have to wear arm restraints for the first week after her surgery.

Mia's palate surgery has been scheduled for mid-January as well.

As a parent, it's so hard thinking about our little baby having to go through so much...but in the end we know that it's what is best for Mia. Please continue to keep Mia in your prayers and we'll update as much as we can! I'll post some adorable pictures of Mia with her hands stuffed in her face!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mia's 2 month appointment

I can't believe that Mia is already 9 weeks old and had to go in for her 2 month appointment. I was very nervous about all the vaccines that she would have to get. I really can't believe that they give so many shots to such small babies!!

Jeremy and I always make a bet and try to see who can guess Mia's weight. Jeremy won with his guess of 11 pounds 8 ounces because Mia weighed in at 11 pounds 5 ounces. I had guessed over 12 pounds because when she makes me hold her ALL day, that's how much she feels like she is! The doctor said that she's growing well and on track with all the amazing things a 2 month old should be able to do.

Mia got 2 shots and an oral vaccine and afterwards, she slept the WHOLE day. Poor baby! We also had to give her some tylenol because she was fussy and we were worried about the painful effects of the shots.

New things she's doing these days: She can hold her head up longer, she tracks objects and peoples faces that move in front of her, she bats at toys that hang from her play mat, she sleeps in her own crib (HUGE accomplishment!! WOOHOO!), and she has discovered her hand. She is constantly sucking on her hand especially when she's tired and she licks everything! She'll lick my shoulder when I'm holding her. I know some people are against their kids sucking their hands or thumbs, but we're happy that Mia has something to soothe herself since she is unable to hold a pacifier in her mouth.

Mia's lip surgery is scheduled for October 12th so please keep her in your prayers!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mia's Lip Surgery

Our baby Mia has quite the personality. She's generally a very easy going baby, but boy does she get feisty when she doesn't get what she wants!! When she's hungry, she turns into a monster!! She grunts and screams until a bottle is in her mouth! When falling asleep, she wants to be held and the person holding her MUST be standing and walking around. If I sit while holding her, she will kick her legs until I stand up. Here's a picture of our sweet, but feisty baby!

Mia's lip surgery has been scheduled for October 12th. The surgery will be about an hour and half and while they are doing the lip surgery, the ENT doctor will also be putting tubes in her ears because she has fluid there right now. We will be spending the night there and will be able to go home when Mia is able to show that she is able to feed. Hopefully the recovery won't be too painful for her.

We're excited for Mia and this surgery, but at the same time, as strange as it may sound, we're going to miss her cleft lip. That's the way that we've known her and that's the way that she was born. We don't see it as something that needed to be "fixed", but we know that in the long run, the surgery is what is best for her.

Monday, August 17, 2009

ENT Appointment

Just wanted to update on how our little one is doing...She has officially hit the 10 lb. mark. We went to the Ear, Nose, & Throat doctor today and when they weighed her, she was 10 lb. Personally, I think she's a little less than that because she had her clothes on and a REALLY full diaper! =) We're so happy that she's growing well and plumping up!

We went on our very first long outing yesterday to the outlet malls and I have to say that she did remarkably well! She only cried when she was hungry and seemed to enjoy the trip! I can't believe how much preparation it takes to get a little baby out the door, but it was worth it to get some fresh air and some cute outfits for our Mia baby!

It's very common for cleft babies to have fluid in their ears and need ear tubes put it to prevent infections and help with hearing. Our ENT doctor will be putting the tubes in during her lip surgery in a few months. We did some preliminary testing today and will retest her hearing after her surgery.

Please continue to pray for our Mia and we'll update everyone when her lip surgery gets scheduled!

Here's another picture of our beautiful Mia:

Her hair has grown much more since this picture was taken. No matter what we do, I sticks straight up!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Chunky Monkey!

Mia takes after her mother and is quite the eater! We're so happy to share that Mia is feeding amazingly. All babies will lose weight after they are born and doctor's will generally give about 2 weeks for them to get back to their birth weight. In the 11 days Mia has surpassed her birth weight and has gained 5 more ounces! Her skinny chicken legs will be a thing of the past! =) She came out of the hospital eating 35 mL of milk and now is drinking 75-100 mL of breastmilk each feeding!! The doctors have told us that she needs to be at least 10 pounds to be ready for her first surgery. So please pray for continual growth!

Here's one of our favorite feeding pictures...Here's Mia getting ready to feed:

Visits to the doctors...

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. An the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philipians 4: 6-7

Ever since Mia was born, we've been so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by professionals who are so knowledgeable. From the moment she came out lactation consultants were at our side helping Mia to feed. Because of her cleft, she uses a special bottle called a Haberman feeder which allows me to press milk into her mouth as she sucks. We were then visited by the Craniofacial Clinic from Atlanta Children's Hospital who helped us to better understand Mia and the treatments that she would be receiving.

This clinic is renown for their work with cleft surgeries and has a unique practice where Mia will receive all the care that she needs from this one clinic. She is able to see a feeding specialist, a dietician, a plastic surgeon, a dentist, an orthodontist, and speech therapist all in the same office.

Today we had the meeting with the plastic surgeon who looked at her mouth and has tentatively set a time frame for Mia's surgeries. Mia will have her lip repaired at 3-4 months (this fall) and this will be cosmetic with some gum work done. Then at 6-9 months (next spring) Mia will have her palate repair surgery (The inside of her mouth). Dr. Burnstein has done over 8,000 surgeries and really reassured us that Mia will have an easy recovery and that she will have a wonderful outcome!

Back from the doctor's office!!

Life as a Parent

The second night that we were in the hospital, we saw a glimpse of what it might be like to take a newborn home. We were pleasantly surprised to discover that our new daughter had quite the lungs...she proceeded to cry and scream on the top of her lungs ALL NIGHT. Jeremy and I got only 30 minutes of sleep. As Jeremy put it, it was like someone took our sweet, quiet, sleeping baby and replaced her with a different baby at night.

There was a moment of sheer panic when she was crying on the top of her lungs while I tried to prepare her bottle and I opened her diaper to find it overflowing with poop. Then in her hysteria, Mia proceeded to kick her feet into the poop! What to do first? Finish preparing the bottle? Wipe the poop? Cry? I thought I was going to faint from exhaustion and panic.

Since coming home, the first two nights were also filled with delirium. I felt like I was on this high during the day, but at night it was as if I was sleep walking!! After the first few nights, we figured out that she was crying because the poor sweet girl was not getting enough to eat! Now she's an eating, sleeping, pooping monster!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Baby Mia Noelle Chou is here!!!

Hi Everyone!
The long awaited arrival of Mia Noelle is finally here!!! She is absolutely perfectly beautiful and amazingly sleeping long enough for me to write this email (Last night, she proceeded to scream ALL night and gave us only 30 minutes of sleep). Mia was born July 13th, 5:36 pm after an induced labor, 6 hours of natural labor, 5 hours of an epidural and only 20 minutes of pushing!!!! She was 6 pounds 13 ounces and 20.5 inches! She has a FULL set of pitch black wavy black hair, huge eyes (in our opinion), and her daddy's skinny chicken legs! Much to our surprise, Mia was born with a cleft lip and palate. To be honest, it has been a rollarcoaster of emotions, but every time we look at our little miracle, WE'RE COMPLETELY IN LOVE!! Below is Jeremy's email...yes, being a doctor and a guy, he goes into much more technical detail =). It's a joy knowing that Mia is special, but as parents, it's overwhelming thinking about the surgeries, the hurt she may endure, and the long road ahead for our family. Please keep us in your prayers and as soon as things settle down, we'll share the 100's of pictures and video clips we've taken. Please pray that Mia's feeding continues to go well and that she will grow exponentially. Because of her cleft lip and palate, feeding time is challenging and requires special bottles and nipples. ENJOY the pictures and please come visit!! I'm already getting restless being at home! =)

-Eunice Chou, Mia, and Jeremy

Here are some pictures of our beautiful daughter! ENJOY!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Advice from my 1st graders!

For my baby shower at Montgomery Elementary, the teachers put together a book of letters that my 1st graders wrote about advice they'd like to give about being a parent. Spelling is as the kids wrote it! =)

Dear Mrs. Chou, there are a few things to do for Mia. If she has a stinkey, change her diaper. When you are crossing the street hold her and or hold her. If she is stintkey, wash her in the sink.

Dear Ms. Chou, thes are somethings you have to do with the Baby. You have to change her, take her to the doctre, change her diaper, feed her baby food, sing her lalibis, gave her baths, watch her, and most importen...Love her!!

Dear Ms. Chou, this is some Advice for you. Always keep watch of the baby because my mom toled me that one time a bayby walked in the steet when the mom wasn't lookin three cars crask into the baby. Keep an eye out for her, wash her in the sink, go to the doter once a moth, sing lalays, chang dippers, thech baby to walk, play.

Mrs. Chou, you shoud awals look out for your babby. If the babby sleeps during the day and is a wake during the day Put a cold rag on them. Take her to the docher change thre dipers. Was that good adeivce?

Dear Mrs. Chou, these things are what you need to go. Go to the hospital and they will open your stumeck. And watch the baby while you're eating a snack or lunch, and when the baby cries give it mild. And when the baby wants to stop play picabook and sometimes help the baby walk and put the baby in a pouch. P.S. at night times sing a lullaby.

My advice for you: Wach the baby, love the baby, buy toys for her, take her to the dok, and don't forget to feed the baby! P.S. babys don't like green beans. XOXOXO

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Baby's Name

Our baby girl's name is (DRUMROLLL...)


Carrot Cake Muffins

The YUMMIEST Carrot Cake Muffins! They're really healthy tooo! Here's the recipe:

1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 large carrots, grated or chopped finely in a food processor
1/2 cup raisins

Preheat oven to 350. Line 12 muffin cups with paper cupcake liners. IN a large bowl, combine flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt. In a small bowl, beat the eggs, then stir in the brown sugar, applesauce, oil, and vanilla. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir until combined. Stir in carrots and raisins. Fill the muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until the muffins spring back when lightly touched in the center.

Here a cream cheese frosting if you want to indulge!

  • 1/2 cup butter, softened
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • 4 cups confectioners' sugar (A little less if you want it less sweeter)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Publish Post

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Take-Out Food Heaven!!

Here's what Jeremy picked up for our dinner today! He drove to 3 different places!


Vietnamese sandwiches!!

Pad thai!!

Panang Curry!

Can you tell that we're on a Vietnamese and Thai food craving stage??

The Nursery

Here's what we're thinking for the baby bedding...It's unisex so that if we ever have a boy, we can just use the same bedding.

But here where some of the other options...

Here's the rocker we absolutely love...but I don't know if it will fit in our apartment!

What do you guys think?? We would love input!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boy or girl???

Jeremy and I just had our very first official ultrasound at the doctor's office.

My unofficial ultrasoundw as at 9 weeks. I was very upset to find out that my doctor didn't do a first trimester ultrasound, so Jeremy called me up from work one Saturday morning as he was working at Grady Hospital's ER.

"Hey, what you doing?" (Jeremy)

"Nothing much." (me)

"If you bring me and my attending lunch, I'll do an ultrasound on you! It's kinda slow today in the ER" (Jeremy)

"OK! I'm getting my keys right now!" (me)

I was laid down on an ER bed and Jeremy and I actually saw our 9 week baby for the first time. As we went to print the picture, he got a call for a trauma coming in so I promptly left so that he could actually work!

IT'S A GIRL!!!! Jeremy and I actually really thought we were having a boy. Our apologies to our daughter, but we had been calling her a boy's name for the past 5 months!

Here are the pics:

The top picture supposedly shows us that she is a girl. Jeremy didn't see any boy parts and the tech was pretty sure she is a girl. Our doctor said the tech hasn't been wrong in the 6 years she has worked with her. In the bottom picture you can see her full face! Her one arm is by her head and the other one is near her mouth.
It was absolutely amazing! She was turning, kicking, punching, and we even got to see a full body profile of her with her spine and her little legs tucked in her.
As I type, she is kicking me right now!

My students

"Guys...Mrs. Chou has an announcement to make...I'm having a baby!!"

The reaction of my students:
"Can you bring the baby to school tomorrow?"

Every week I get these online updates about the baby's growth and the website will often compare the baby's size to a vegatable or a fruit.

"The baby is the length of a banana this week..."
"Mrs. Chou, are you going to eat the baby when it comes out??"

I've had multiple questions about how babies come out. The answer to that is please ask your parents!

My students love to touch my stomach, kiss it, make odd name suggestions, and get into discussions about how babies come to be.

O the joys of being a pregnant teacher!

Pregnancy so far...

Right now, I can honestly say that I LOVE being pregnant! I can eat milkshakes whenever I want to, I don't have to suck my stomach in after a big meal, and my students come and kiss my stomach. This was not the case before. My poor husband was a God given gift during the first trimester. He scrubbed our bathtubs, he cooked dinner, he did the laundry, went out to buy ginger ale all the time, and didn't bother me when I was sleeping 15 hours straight! Everyday he came home from work, I was either sleeping or sitting on the couch surrounded by clemintine peels!

My pregnancy cravings...oranges, orange juice, cranberry juice, apples, grapes, Chick-Fil-A milkshakes, red meat, and very flavorful, spicy korean food.

My 13 week belly...

My 15 week belly...

And OOO MY GOODNESS! My almost 20 week belly...
Is it just me or is it exponentially bigger??!

We're having a BABY!

Welcome to our blog! I agreed with my friend when she said that it's unlike me to blog, but we wanted to keep our family and friends updated about the comings and goings of our family!

The past few months have been very exciting for our family! A little bean will be joining our family!

Here's when we found out on election day:

The excited momma!

The shocked, but happy daddy!

Jeremy made us an amazing meal of steak and crab pasta to celebrate!